Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | May 10, 2009
Home : Commentary

EDITORIAL: Lawyers must be held to account
There is an old maxim to the effect that justice delayed is justice denied, which means that police superintendent Harry Daley has every reason to be livid, particularly with his lawyers.

Market fundamentalism and the third crisis
The current economic crisis is the third major one since the ending of slavery.

Yep, take responsibility
I had even emailed an avid reader of the column - who happens to be a brother in the diaspora - that I was done with Budget analysis with last week's piece on "Hardship Budgets". - Martin Henry

Applauding announcements
Jamaica is seen by many as a land of samples.- Lambert Brown

Using investment inefficiently
In a previous column, I had pointed to the aggressive drive since the late 1990s, targeting the tourism sector, that resulted in investment totalling over US$3.5 billion by 2007.

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