Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | May 10, 2009
Home : Business

Cheap insurance sources - Where to find to life and health coverage if you are unemployed
The job cuts have come fast and furious, amounting to thousands.

Profiting from real estate
Aside from buying a property early in your career, then renting or liquidating it for retirement income, there are numerous ways to make money from real estate.

Another 46 Morris Meadows homes listed - Sale price climbs to $5.6m
The National Housing Trust (NHT) has put on the market 46 two-bedroom units in Morris Meadows, St Catherine, a development in which it has invested $268.8 million for land and construction.The agency...

Tax tips for new businesses
Taxpayer education officer from Kingston, Kiteshia Simpson, notes that often, self-employed persons don't know that they need to file tax returns whether they make a profit, or whether they have actually started operations after registration."Even when...

Out of work and need cash? Don't touch that pension refund!
We have read in the local print media about the dislocations taking place across our beloved island as companies effect various strategies to deal with the global economic crisis and its debilitating impact on our local economy.One of the tragedies of...

Should I throw in the towel?
Store proprietor U. Reid of Montego Bay is wondering if she should close down a new store - a cambio and book store started eight months ago - which she says has not taken off and is pulling resources away from her first store, which is "doing okay".

The complex dance of engagement with Cuba
What will be the long-term impact of a changed economic relationship between Cuba and the United States on the Caribbean?

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