Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Wednesday | April 29, 2009
Home : Letters
Choosing the low road
The Editor, Sir:

Here we go again. Mrs Simpson Miller and the PNP have again chosen the low road. They oppose, oppose, oppose but provide no solutions and no alternatives.

I, too, think some of these new taxes are ill-conceived, I mean, have we not already thrashed out why GCT on computers is a bad idea?

But must we really tie up the Jamaican people in town-hall meetings to complain? How about town-hall meetings to explain the policy differences between the PNP and the JLP and the alternative solutions the PNP is offering? How about meetings for acknowledging its past failures and announcing the new directions it intends to pursue to win back the minds and hearts of the Jamaican people?

It seems, as Claude Clarke noted in his article of Sunday, April 26, the PNP, under its present leadership, is unable to renew itself and do things in a different, more progressive way. Progressive agenda, my foot! Instead of protesting and playing with people's emotions, spend your time telling us how you would get us out of this mess and why you are the ones to do it.

I am, etc.,

Nimal Amitirigala


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