Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Wednesday | April 29, 2009
Home : Commentary
LETTER OF THE DAY - Barack Obama: a glimmer of hope
The Editor, Sir:

It may be said that since the existence of Homo sapiens, planet Earth has been plagued with the never-ending scourge of confrontation. And it may also be said that this irrational strategy has only brought about perpetual hatred, mistrust and utter misery.

Although thousands of years of confrontation have never solved the perennial problems of this planet, it has become so entrenched that human beings find it extremely difficult to extricate themselves from this twisted strategy.

But there is hope for us yet. The emergence of President Obama as an international leader has brought about a glimmer of light to all mankind across this terrestrial ball.

With Obama's style of leadership, Americans are starting to realise that this world is much more intertwined than it ever was. One only has to observe the ramifications of the current economic recession which is now worldwide. Many Americans are starting to realise that their country cannot solve this type of world problem alone. To solve the current economic mess, it seems obvious that all nations have to make cooperation a top priority.

Similarly, it is also obvious that the only viable way of fighting and defeating the scourge of terrorism is through worldwide cooperation. To make this type of cooperation a reality, America has to reach out and talk to age-old friends and foes alike.

President Obama has created a positive atmosphere reminiscent of the days immediately after September 11, 2001 when America was viciously attacked by terrorists.

Tangible cooperation

We should not forget that over 90 per cent of the entire world pledged its support for the United States (US) in its fight against terrorism. And there is an abundance of evidence that the US received unselfish and tangible cooperation from countries that pledged their support.

But, instead of capitalising on this unqualified cooperation, the erstwhile administration unwittingly alienated even their staunchest supporters.

However, it is heartening to see that the US now has an administration that is willing and ready to listen and cooperate with the rest of the world, for it is only through cooperation that the economic problems can be solved, and the threat of terrorism erased.

I am, etc.,



Toronto, Ontario

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