Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Tuesday | April 14, 2009
Home : International
No changes for zoo after bear attack

The Berlin zoo doesn't plan to change security measures even after a polar bear attacked a woman who managed to jump into the bears' enclosure last week, an incident caught on video.

"It is already safe," zoo spokesman Heiner Kloes said Monday.

The woman, who has not been identified, climbed down a fence, over a wide hedge full of thorns and got past a concrete wall before swan diving into the murky moat where the polar bears swim.

One of four bears in the enclosure bit the woman's arms, legs and back before keepers rescued her with a life preserver.


The woman was taken to Berlin's Charite hospital for treatment and is still recovering, the Bild newspaper reported yesterday. The hospital did not return phone calls seeking comment.

It was not clear what made the woman circumvent all those security measures and jump in with four large, fully grown polar bears. Police did not provide any motive for the incident.

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