Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Saturday | March 21, 2009
Home : Feature
A case of Nancy Drew?

Petrina Francis, Staff Reporter

Searching through someone's personal possessions is a serious invasion of privacy,but some women just can't help playing detective, especially when they suspect that their partners are cheating.

Shanice McLeod searched her man's phone in January and saw a text message, which indicated that he was the father of a newborn. She confronted him and he admitted it, saying he just didn't know how to tell her.

"I am happy that I went through his phone because he hid this from me for nearly a year, so I am sure he had no plans to tell me about the child," she told Saturday Life.

He's now history and she is trying to move on with her life.

Chantal Shaw searches her partner's belongings when she suspects that something is amiss.

"I love my man but sometimes he acts strangely, which leads me to think that something is going on, so I look for the evidence," Shaw explained.

"I have found evidence from time to time but even then he denies it," Shaw said.

Though Michelle Jackson's partner vowed the she was The One - the archetypal perfect soulmate - her gut feelings told her otherwise. When she is alone at his house, she rummages through his stuff. There she finds women clothing, make-up and other articles.

"He says they belong to his sister or cousin," Jackson told Saturday Life.

But it's not women alone who search. Most men will not admit that they go through their women's possessions but their women will tell you that they actually do.

"My boyfriend searched my phone and found a text message from my ex-boyfriend and got so mad at me because he doesn't like the idea that we are still communicating," Susan Lindsay said, adding that it wasn't the first time he rifled through her personal belongings.

Real names withheld


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