Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Wednesday | March 18, 2009
Home : Commentary

Deciding your vote

The by-election in West Portland is now upon us. It shows the folly of the silly season when a lot of resources in these economic depressing times are being spent for the wrong purpose, i.e. the famous handouts.

Campaigning, in my opinion, should be minimal and the people should go to the polls with their minds made up simply with two questions in consideration:

1) What improvements to the constituency have been made under the 18 years of the PNP and how has the JLP done since coming to power?

2) Which candidate can improve on the quality/conditions of the constituency?

- Brian Pottingerbabrib_07@cwjamaica.com

Big, but not the biggest

Whereas the Northern Caribbean University is undoubtedly the largest Seventh-day Adventist institution of its kind in Jamaica and possibly the entire Caribbean, it certainly does not hold that distinction when compared with Oakwood University located in Alabama, Andrews University in Michigan or Atlantic Union College located in Massachusetts, to name a few.

-Wayne Morris


Major in the weightier matters

The outrage directed to the state for not providing a meal to Sheldon Pusey while he was absent from the correctional facility was misdirected. Shamefully we are outraged at one missed meal by a man accused of the murder of Ambassador Peter King or any other person, but we are silent on murders, rapes, assaults and the varied forms of violence directed towards our citizens.

Has anyone estimated how many meals have been missed by those who have been slaughtered? When will we start to major in the weightier matters?

- Lawrence Jones



Congratulations to you 'Queen of Success'. I am happy The Gleaner has published your achievement as this will be an example to many that it is never too late to begin your career. It is not only abroad that one can begin late and achieve a career, but it can also happen in Jamaica.

You are the student of the year!

- N. Dayes



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