Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | March 15, 2009
Home : Commentary

Formal flexi-time is long past due
We agree with Dwight Nelson, the minister in the finance ministry with responsibility for the public service: There is no point in doing battle with religious groups over the issue of a flexible workweek.

University of the West Indies role: deep and wide
The University of the West Indies, Mona, welcomes The Gleaner's invitation to continue the engagement on its role and contribution to the nation.

Back to the past
'Buggery law firm'. - Martin Henry

Debating values and 'vybz'
The recent debate about lewd and violent lyrics is a cyclical one and will unfortunately soon fizzle out, despite the 'consensus' of which Ian Boyne has written and the commendably strong stance of the Broadcasting Commission.- Canute Thompson

Broadcasting Commission will not relent
Many people who strongly support the measures to help clean up the airwaves and tackle payola have also commented that it took too long to be addressed in the decisive and extensive manner now being employed. - Dr. Dunn

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