Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Friday | March 6, 2009
Home : Letters
A filthy opportunity
The Editor, Sir:

In recent days, we have been treated to an earful of filth. It started when the opposition spokesperson on agriculture alleged that fertiliser being imported into Jamaica contained human excrement. The agriculture minister has since sought to clarify that the fertiliser is approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, and the substance in question is not pure filth, but is refined to the highest international standards.

The truth is, people are not concerned about what the fertiliser is made of, but are disappointed they weren't told sooner. After all, we could have saved millions had we known we could produce the stuff locally. This compels me to make a proposal I hope the Government and their colleagues in the Opposition will take under advisement.

Fertiliser Advisory Research Team

I propose the establishment of a Fertiliser Advisory Research Team (FART). This team will be responsible for recommending ways of using our waste to produce fertiliser for food production. The team will assess the potential of creating factories to produce the stuff. The raw material, since it is widely available, would be collected, treated, stored and processed at these facilities, and would be sold to farmers at discounted rates.

This low-cost fertiliser would drive down the price of food, and would be an incentive for more people to go into farming. Ultimately, we would cut our food import bill, provide employment, and ensure our food security for years to come. With the economy the way it is, we need a change. And change, they say, often comes from the bottom up.

I am, etc.,


Kingston 6

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