Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Friday | February 27, 2009
Home : Letters
Waging war against AIDS
The Editor, Sir:

It seems to me we are finally starting to get serious about the HIV/AIDS crisis in Jamaica. The visibility of the health workers in the communities is starting to take off and I get a sense that the population starts to think seriously about this pandemic.

With approximately two per cent of our population infected with the disease, there is a fierce sense of urgency with which we must confront this epidemic in Jamaica. Moral persuasion along with legislation will have to be adopted.

Raising the consciousness

We can raise the consciousness on one hand through public education and through legislation we can ensure responsible behaviour on the other hand.

It should become a crime with harsh penalties for any person wilfully to pass on HIV to another. Those who do should be placed on a national registry and sent to prison for life. Organisations that can help should join forces with the ministry of health and wage a real war on this disease.

I am, etc.,




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