I have noticed in recent years that the general secretaries of the two major political parties, among them Dr Paul Robertson, Maxine Henry-Wilson, Dr Peter Phillips, Colin Campbell and Donald Buchanan of the People's National Party, were given the responsibility plus their other ministerial duties. This is too much work for one person.
The general secretary's job is almost a full-time job. For example, the general secretary of the ruling Jamaica Labour Party is the minister of industry, investment and commerce and also a member of parliament. He is also involved in other community activities and committees. How can we expect one man to do so many things efficiently?
Political parties must find someone else for the post of general secretary and allow others to do better jobs as ministers. We have become so demanding that we expect too much from our elected officials, or specifically from any one individual who forms part of the government.
I am, therefore, asking the powers that be to look urgently into this matter of separating these two functions.
I am, etc.,
PO Box 431
Kingston 8