Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Monday | February 9, 2009
Home : Business

JN Small Business Loan beneficiary doing well
Loretta Johnson is a happy woman. Her ambition to operate her own successful business is a reality, thanks to an injection of capital from Jamaica National Small Business Loan (JNSBL). Johnson started a baking business on her own at home in St Ann's Bay, St Ann, back in 2006...

Sugar report not so sweet
Excerpts from the Planning Institute of Jamaica-commissioned 'Social Impact Assessment of the Likely Effects of Sugar Reform Options on Industry Workers in Jamaica':A respondent from Trelawny on the proposed closure of the sugar factories:"There will be...

Higglers sympathetic to Air Jamaica's downsizing - But asking airline to save some routes
IT MAY cost many of them their livelihood, but some informal commercial importers (ICIs) are supporting Air Jamaica's decision to cut its Los Angeles and popular Miami routes.These are among the six gateways being cut by the loss-making national carrier...

Charles signs MOU against child labour
Labour Minister Pearnel Charles, last Friday, signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at strengthening the capacity of stakeholders and community groups to prevent child labour in Jamaica.At the signing, Charles stressed that education was the main...

Falmouth Wharf construction now under way after five years
WESTERN BUREAU: Preliminary work on the long-awaited Falmouth Wharf has finally started, around five years after the proposed construction was announced by then Prime Minister P.J.Patterson. The demolition of some structures and removal of debris began in earnest last week...

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