Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | February 8, 2009
Home : Outlook

Bash in the Bay
Odette Dyer rested comfortably on husband Godfrey's 'lap', Madge and Neville Levy hid from the cameras and hosts, attorney Percival Clarke and his entrepreneur wife, Murine, revelled in the excitement that surrounded their Sunday brunch.

MY DOWN TIME WITH ... Sir Vivian Richards
He's a cricketer par excellence, and if you have never heard his name, you're probably an American to whom the game of cricket is alien. But in Caribbean and international circles, former West Indies captain and superb batsman, Sir Vivian Richards, is taking things a lot easier these days.

Bacchanal gone Hollywood!
It is now officially the 'wining' season and the organisers of bacchanal carnival certainly have a Hollywood treat in store for socaphiles.

BNS' Party
The waves lapping against the steps of Morgan's Harbour Hotel and Marina in Port Royal are enough to rock you to sleep; but not with everybody having so much fun

Away from the hustle and bustle
And so it was, that amidst the hustle and bustle of Diplomatic Week with all the official appearances and receptions hosted in honour of the visiting envoys, Kingston was one hotbed of social activities two weeks ago.

DOCTOR'S ADVICE - A man who loves women
Q: Doc, I would be grateful if you could help me. I am a man in my early 40s, and all my life I have loved women. Also, I have always been proud of my 'sexual abilities'. Women like me, and, to be honest, doc, they usually give in to me. I have to admit that I have made many conquests...

A fisherman's kind of treat
How could it be forbidden when it was straight up love shown in abundance at Basil's Restaurant and Bar on the beach in Parottee, St Elizabeth, last Sunday night?

Let us pray ... with the Allens
Dr Patrick and Mrs Allen will become the country's representatives for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on February 26, and continue to be leading example to many.

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