Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | February 8, 2009
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Besieged by crime and desensitised to death and violence, Jamaica issuffering from borderline personality disorder (BPD). This is the diagnosis of consultant clinical psychologist Dr Karen Richards who draws parallels between the average individual who walks into her practice and a hurting nation.

Court rejects request to freeze Olint money
AN INVESTOR in the troubled David Smith-led foreign-exchange trading club, Olint, has failed in his bid to have the Supreme Court bar the National Commercial Bank (NCB) from paying over money which it holds in accounts opened by Olint.

Economic growth crucial, says Chen - Should dominate social-partnership talks
PRESIDENT OF the Jamaica Employers' Federation, Wayne Chen, says "rapid economic growth" must be the central theme of the current social-contract discussions involving the Government and stakeholder groups.

Jamaica: a hurting nation - Desensitised to death and suffering
JAMAICA HAS become an environment in which life is cheap. There appears to be a lack of compassion and a fascination for the macabre. As a nation, we have become desensitised to death and suffering. On any murder scene, men, women and children can be seen viewing the body with little or no emotion, even as the victim's family members wail.

Fighting crime - Are both parties on common ground?
THE OPPOSITION People's National Party (PNP) has pledged its support to the Government's crime-fighting measures despite its strong opposition to aspects of the anti-crime bills, to be debated by Parliament shortly.

Fighting crime - 'Intelligence' gathering is key
HOW DO the police identify suspects? How do they know who to investigate? How do they know who to put under surveillance or who to arrest? These are questions many persons pose as they point to the country's unacceptably low number of arrests and convictions for crimes.

Dual-citizenship case ruling within days
AS ANTICIPATION mounts about the court's ruling on the appeal in the dual-citizenship case which People's National Party (PNP) candidate Abe Dabdoub has brought against Member of Parliament (MP) Daryl Vaz, The Sunday Gleaner has learnt that a ruling will be handed down within days.

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