Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | February 8, 2009
Home : In Focus

Confronting our financial crisis
With reports of closure in the bauxite industry, the collapsed sugar divestment deal with Infinity Bio-Energy, heavy retrenchment at Air Jamaica, layoffs across various sectors, a ballooning trade deficit and rapidly sliding dollar, there's no doubt the crisis is upon us.

Towards decent work
Decent work for those who desire it is a fundamental objective of any society that aspires to being civilised, and is one of Jamaica's fundamental development goals. Decent work is work that is personally fulfilling, in a workplace that is safe and comfortable, governed by rules that enhance dignity and promote respect.

When will the global crisis end?
It is confirmed that the two Windalco alumina plants at Kirkvine (Manchester) and Ewarton (St Catherine) will be closed because of sharp reductions in demand all around. In the case of alumina, which is used in the manufacture of cars, sharply falling demand has reduced car sales so far by some 30 per cent - 40 per cent compared to last year.

Searching for the silver lining
The recent announcement by the prime minister that, by the end of this month, there will be a new governor general in Jamaica, once again brings into focus certain issues relating to the reform of our constitutional arrangements.

Governments preying on people
Predatory government is one that preys on people. An American economist, James Galbraith, has written a book called The Predator State. That state, he said, was one that is taken over by people whose interest is to enrich themselves. Predatory government has existed for a long time.

How stable is Jamaica?
Since becoming independent in 1962, Jamaica has remained uprising free, suffered no major political assassination, adhered to the rule of law, maintained a free press, and held regular multi-party elections in which the incumbent party has been voted out more than once. This might seem a rather common-place achievement...

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