Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | February 8, 2009
Home : Business

LIME Carib to pour billions into Jamaica
Saying Friday that Jamaica will be cemented as hub of its regional operations, LIME Caribbean announced that as much as a quarter of a designated pool of capital will be poured into the island, already its most lucrative market.

How to get a good deal for a young, first-time car owner
Our 23-year-old daughter is about to buy her first car. She lives with me and her father. We own and drive two vehicles. She will be buying a brand-new car and, therefore, must have comprehensive insurance. This type of coverage is very expensive.

Flour prices to go up
The price of baking flour will be increased Monday, Jamaica Flour Mills (JFM) said Friday, pushing the price for bakers six per cent higher from $2,470 per 45 kilogramme bag, to $2,620.

Housing Agency of Jamaica to develop 425 housing units
The Housing Agency of Jamaica Limited is investing some $2 billion to develop 425 housing units and lots, which the state agency will sell on the open market. At least one of the four developments, Stadium Gardens in Kingston, is to be completed by year end.

You are financially unprepared if ...
Some Jamaicans are heading in the direction where they are 'maxed out' on credit and filling up on partying to appear to be coping with financial stress. Let the new mantra for 2009 be: 'I'm cutting back, slowing down and creatively restructuring my finances.'

Have you been made redundant? Ways to stretch your income until the next job
Since 2008, more than 12,000 Jamaican jobs have evaporated, creating an uncertain future for many and a dilemma as to how to maximise the redundancy packages in a scenario where work opportu-nities are scarce. So, we asked two financial advisers to come up with survival tips for those faced with the problem of being out of work while the bills keep piling up.

Coping with CLICO
News that the Government and Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago has intervened to take control of some of the subsidiary assets of one of the largest of the Caribbean's transnationals, CL Financial, makes clear the dangers the global financial crisis has for everyone in the Caribbean.

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