Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Friday | February 6, 2009
Home : Letters
Rollicking show
The Editor, Sir:

I took my sister who came in from New York for cricket, to see the LTM National Pantomime Runner Boy last Sunday afternoon, and thoroughly enjoyed the rollicking show. And, I must say that the young audience helped to make it a 'theatre of participation.' They were telling Runner Boy which way the thieves went, and ending familiar sayings!

I particularly loved 'Man-Man', Kevin Halstead, who played the role on Sunday. He is clearly an excellent actor, who quietly threaded the mystical elements of the story together. His voice, movement and timing were first-class. In a win-win situation, I would have loved to hear 'Lickle Chicken', (the singer-boy), rip a really big tune, by the end of the show!

The sets and costumes for Pantomime continue to be excellent and Grub Cooper's music had me moving in my seat. I will take my other sister to see it soon.

I am, etc.,


Kingston 10

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