Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Friday | February 6, 2009
Home : Letters
Song won't make child gay
The Editor, Sir:

To the woman from Spanish Town who had a problem with ZIP-FM playing Katy Perry's song, I Kissed a Girl, have you ever heard the phrase 'live and let live'? Or the Bible quote, 'Let him without sin cast the first stone'?

I am a heterosexual woman with a daughter and I see no problem with the song, even though it has homosexual connotations. Who are you to judge what anyone wants to do in their life?

Hearing that song will certainly not make your daughter gay. It is closed-minded people like you why we as a people cannot move forward in today's society.

If you do not like the song, switch to a different radio station; Jamaica has lots of them.

I am pretty sure the good Lord does not discriminate between who prays to him - gay, straight or transgender so who are you to judge?

I am, etc.,





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