Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Tuesday | January 6, 2009
Home : News
Tips when travelling
Ann Jeffrey, sales representative and public relations officer at Cubana Airlines, gives tips to Jamaicans interested in travelling to Cuba:

There is one Cubana flight - in the morning - from Jamaica to Cuba on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. It is recommended that visitors to Cuba carry euro or Canadian currency, rather than the United States dollar, which has a lower rate of exchange.

Visitors should possess a valid passport or a trip document stating their name, and the corresponding visa or tourist card.

Tourist cards valued at US$17, can be requested at the Cuban consular organisations, travel agencies or airlines. There are two types of tourist cards: for individual tra-vellers or persons travelling in groups; and another for businessmen and journalists.

Other rules

Travellers must have a valid passport. Cuban immigration authorities will not stamp your passport.

Students wishing to pursue studies in medicine, nursing, or engineering in Cuba should apply to the Cuban Embassy.

Weapons, explosives, sharp instruments and pornographic magazines are forbidden.

Personal cameras are allowed but high-tech digital cams are forbidden on Cubana flights.

Visitors allowed as many pieces of baggage as possible as long as they are willing to pay the required custom charges for excesses.

Specific tourist taxis are the recommended mode of transportation.

Use authorised tourist guides when travelling in Cuba.

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