Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Friday | December 19, 2008
Home : Letters
... A barrel of frustrationin MoBay


The Editor, Sir:

I am writing to express my frustration with the process of collecting barrels at the wharf in Montego Bay. I assume that the process is the same in Kingston. This matter needs to be addressed urgently by the Commissioner of Customs, Danville Walker.

In November, I went to collect a barrel and I had to make 11 transactions before I could receive it.

I first had to clear security at the gate, then go through 10 tran-sactions inside the customs department before I could get my things. This process needs to be streamlined to eliminate some of the unnecessary processes and redeploy employees.

Lackadaisical attitude

I want to point out that I did not have any special circumstances. I was just collecting a barrel with some food items and clothing that came from Canada. It took me five hours to get through because of the gross incompetence and lackadaisical attitude of the employees.

This is ridiculous, considering that people travel long distances to get there and have to wait all day, going through all this, while employees ask for tips to do what the Government is paying them to do.

I did not pay anyone to process any papers or fast-track my order through the system, but I was approached by employees at intervals during the process.

'Buy me lunch'

What disgusted me most of all was when a customs officer who inspected the contents of my barrel told me to "buy mi a lunch", since I had not been charged full duties on what the contents of my barrel were worth. I believe I was being 'shaken down' for cash in a covert way.

The 'buy me lunch' phrase seems to be the line employees use to get money from customers because I heard other customs officers using it while I was there.

These are the types of government employees who give Jamaica a bad name and discourage Jamaicans living abroad from coming home.

I am, etc.,


Ontario, Canada

Via Go-Jamaica

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