Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Friday | December 19, 2008
Home : Letters
LETTER OF THE DAY - Unsophisticated critique of prime minister's plans
The Editor, Sir:

The prime minister has presented a package that was clearly thought out and targets the right groups. The Opposition has, predictably, described it as "belated" and expressed certain 'concerns' all of which can be quickly dismissed.

The US government presented a package some time ago, long before it understood the origins and extent of the problem. The result is that nothing has improved there as yet and revisions and mini packages are now being considered.

One concern of the Opposition has to do with balance of payments and balancing the budget, totally ignoring the fact that if the economy goes under, there will be nothing to balance.

Business persons not very sophisticated

Respected analysts have been commenting but I have different concerns. We may not like to hear it but our middle class - and our business persons in particular - are not very sophisticated. The world, for many of them, begins and ends at their business places. Even if they thought of it, I think there are critical aspects of this crisis that would present them with a considerable challenge. Here are my concerns:

1. Do the prospective beneficiaries of this package understand the nature of this crisis, its likely duration, its unique features and how it is likely to impact their particular area of business?

2. The US, which accounts for about 30 per cent of global GDP, will - in four weeks - have a different president with a vastly different world view.

3. Will trading partners survive this crisis and will the survivors continue to do what they used to do in the same way?

4. Will those making disbursements understand the crisis sufficiently to educate and guide prospective beneficiaries?

5. Will those making disbursements understand that this money is not intended to subsidise failing systems?

One group, for example, that is still crying for more, is the tourism sector. But, the global recession is not what they should be worrying about. It is the almost certain prospect of the removal of the US embargo and competing with an educated, trained, crime-free, disciplined Cuba much closer to our largest market.

Manufacturers are set to benefit from adjustments. Some persons are using a microscope to identify persons and groups, who did not get anything or should get more. They are the ones who need to be reminded - daily - that this is a country that has been going nowhere for a long time.

The prospective beneficiaries should seize the opportunity to make their businesses more versatile and flexible to put the country in a better position to weather shocks and deliver quality goods on time.

The prime minister might have given us an early Christmas but it would to be our detriment to treat him like Santa Claus.

I am, etc.,


Stony Hill

Kingston 9

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