Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Tuesday | December 2, 2008
Home : Lead Stories

Death to face-out parking

1 Finally security guards now have their own piece of enforcement duty. It's called face-out parking. One motorist was extremely incensed at the treatment of a security guard because he dared to disobey the rule. After the heated argument that ensued in the New Kingston car park, the motorist says he is now on a one-man campaign to annihilate face-out parking. Let's wish him luck.

Sleeves or no sleeves!

2 Fashion observers have noted that incoming American First Lady Michelle Obama has reintroduced sleeveless garments in a big way. Of course, she does not have flabby arms because she exercises rigorously. However, interestingly, she would find herself out of sorts if she were to visit Jamaica and wanted to venture into some public buildings where 'the no sleeveless rule' is rigidly enforced.

Shabby service

3 If ever one needed any evidence that the once elegant property in the heart of New Kingston is scraping the bottom, it will only take a few seconds to see how things have deteriorated. For example, a waitress had to be corrected by a guest when she attempted to place cutlery in the wrong order. The orders are slow in coming, the wait staff is coarse. Where are the managers?

Accountability now

4 This government may well go down in history as the administration that has beaten accountability into submission. Take the latest talk on the circuit about the issuing of new radio licences. Surely there are regulations governing such activities. These rules should be followed and the process ought to be transparent. Wait for it!

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