Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | November 30, 2008
Home : Outlook
Time for thyme

Thyme is a highly aromatic herb which grows especially well in somewhat dry and sunny conditions (alas, not really the case for humid Jamaica. Try anyway!) A Mediterranean herb, thyme holds its flavour in cooking and blends well with other flavours like garlic, olive oil and tomatoes. Excellent, too, when snipped in salads.

Thyme is also considered to have antiseptic and preservative properties and has long been used medicinally as well as in preserving meats. You'll even find thyme in perfume!

Exposure: Full sun

Size: Thyme's mature size depends on what varieties are being grown. In general, thyme is low growing, spreading, 15-25 centimetres (roughly 6-10") in height. Some varieties form an almost flat carpet.

Established thyme plants can be harvested at any time. Simply snip a few stems. The blossoms are also edible and are at their best when first opening. Thyme grows slowly from seed and should be allowed a few months of growth, before cutting.

Description: Thyme is a low-growing, woody perennial. It is extremely fragrant and flavourful. The pink, lavender or white tubular flowers are very popular with bees. Tiny grey-green leaves remain evergreen. There are about 350 different species of this herb.

Design tips: Thyme is often used as a ground cover and is happy to grow in the cracks between flat stones and rocks. You can also buy seed in bulk to create a thyme lawn.

Trailing varieties look well in pots, especially the golden and variegated varieties.

Thyme can be used as an edger, but it has a tendency to die out in spots, so be prepared to fill in with new plants.

Growing requirements: Thyme pretty much grows itself. In fact, the more you fuss with it, the less hardy it will be.

Thyme plants are usually propagated by division or cuttings. Thyme may be grown by seed, but the different varieties will cross pollinate and hybridise, so it may not grow true from seed.

If trying to cover a large areas, space new plants 15 centimetres (about six") apart, to form a cover.

Thyme will grow well indoors, if given a bright, sunny window.

Maintenance: When grown in warm climates where it can get shrubby, prune hard, in early spring, to prevent the plant from getting too woody. Additional shaping can be done after flowering. Otherwise, all that is needed is to prune by harvesting and to remove and replace any areas that die out.

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