Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | November 30, 2008
Home : News
Samples are not conclusive

'The evidence, thus far suggests the sand at the hotels is not suppose[d] to be there, but there are no 'fingerprints' to match those found on the hotel property with the sand at Coral Spring'

SAND FOUND on the property of three north-coast hotels did not originate there, but forensic tests have been unable to conclude that it was stolen from Coral Springs in Trelawny.

A Government source tells The Sunday Gleaner that additional samples are being taken from the hotels and other properties with a view to solving the mystery of the missing sand.

awaiting reports

Last week, police said it was awaiting reports from the Mines and Geology Department, Univer-sity of the West Indies, the Government's forensic lab, as well as an independent forensic report of tests carried out in Canada.

However, sources close to the investigation say there is no conclusive evidence that the sand was stolen from Felicitas' property at Coral Springs, Trelawny.

"The evidence, thus far suggests the sand at the hotels is not suppose[d] to be there, but there are no 'fingerprints' to match those found on the hotel property with the sand at Coral Spring," the well-placed source said. "It is inconclusive."

Up to late Friday evening, personnel trying to trace the missing sand were in western Jamaica taking additional samples.

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