Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Tuesday | November 11, 2008
Home : Letters
We need politics of 'country first'
The Editor, Sir:

Kindly allow me the opportunity to reflect on the victory of President-elect Barack Obama.

We would do the man a great injustice if his 'blackness' becomes the main focal point of his history-making victory. His intelligence, assertiveness, integrity and charisma are all qualities, which stand out far above the colour of his skin. Even against his main challengers, Hilary Clinton and John McCain, his campaign remained issues-focused, non-divisive and remained on the political high ground.

Focus-driven leaders

Jamaica could use leaders with such outstanding qualities, who can command the respect and attention of both supporters and non-supporters.

Like Obama, we need leaders who are not only 'colour-blind' but focus-driven, who are willing to put country first above party politics and personal ego. For too long, our leaders have been disconnected from the people they lead.

Now that change has come to American politics, we now welcome that wind to our shores.

Through our global window, we have watched the history of American politics change before our eyes. With our expectations now raised, our political modus operandi must change as well.

Learn lessons

The United States has come a long way, and our political culture will not change overnight either, but we, too, can have the audacity to hope.

Justifiably, both the prime minister and the leader of the opposition highlighted the lessons our people can learn from Barack's victory.

I hope they, too, can point out the lessons on leadership that they have drawn to help transform our political landscape.

I am, etc.,



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